Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Missing God?

Love unfailing, overtaking my heart
You take me in...
Finding peace again, fear is lost in all You are...

I would give my world to tell Your story
'coz I know that You've called me, I know that You've called me
I lost myself for good within Your promise...I won't hide it...I won't hide it

Jesus I believe in You, and I would go to the ends of the the ends of the earth for You...
And You are the son of God and all the world will see that You are God...that You are God

To The Ends Of The Earth.....gue suka banget ama lagu itu...ngingetin gue ama bulan agustus 2005 yang lalu. waktu gue ikut SFC conference di Lido. jadi anggota band-nya. gue bener2 ngerasain jamahan Tuhan waktu itu (kaget kan orang kaya gue bisa ngomong gitu?). it really feel to the bone you know...tapi itu dulu...
sekarang gue ngerasa jauh dari Dia. gue ga pernah pelayanan pernah maen musik buat Dia lagi kaya dulu...sepi....gue malah mulai jatuh lagi ke dosa favorit gue....andaikan ada acara kaya gitu lagi....where are you guys? where are You God?


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